Oscar built in 1992

Built in 1992

Oscar is regarded as the main standard in friction measurement in Norway. The vehicle was built in 1992 as an assignment from the Norwegian Road Authorities. OSCAR is an acronym for Optimum Surface Contamination Analyzer and Recorder.

The unit was developed in 1992, and shown on the PIARC 1992 session. In 1994, the unit was transported to USA and the science center for NASA Landing Dynamics, where the novel Variable Slip measurement system in OSCAR was approved and standardized in ASTM E1859. This standard is still valid for Variable Slip measurement.

It has served perfectly for over 30 years as the standard against which all other friction meters in Norway and Denmark are calibrated.

In 2013, ViaTech was assigned the task of performing general maintenance, and preparing Oscar for the coming years of service. All the software and electronics were replaced or upgraded, and the vehicle was ready for service June the 1st 2014.


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